Character file :---------------------------------

(meaning: the guardian who never misses his target.)

Class: Dregonoth
Age: Quadrant II, 162 A.C.

Dregonoth of the 7th realm.


Copyright 2008 Felix Quednau. All rights reserved.


Technical information:
"this character is based on japanese kyudo-ka.(fig.1) I like the long bows. looks gracefull and powerful.
The armoiur is your typical medival knight. The eyes have a G.I.Joe Snakes eyes/ Scherazade look to them(fig 2-3) but since this was part of the originsl desing, fig 5 I left it as is.. Eugen Herrigel's book zen and the art of archery inspired me alot as well."


fig.3 unknown artist 1984
fig.5 felix quednau 1987